Lenard Müßig

Lenard Müßig

Lenard Müßig studied meteorology at the Free University of Berlin and graduated as Master of Science in 2017.

Mr. Müßig has been working in the IP sector since 2018. He is admitted to practice as a German Patent Attorney and as a European Trademark and Design Attorney since 2021.He is admitted to practice as a European Patent Attorney since 2024.

Lenard Müßig has experience in the drafting of patent applications and in the prosecuting of patent applications in examination-, in opposition-, nullity and infringement proceedings. Further, he has experience in the preparation of Freedom-to-Operate analysis, patent infringement reports, and prior art searches.

He is a member of the Bundesverband Deutscher Patentanwälte e.V. .

Mr. Müßig joined the team at Ter Meer Steinmeister & partner in 2023.